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SuperBoundary • General Discussion / Re: C# Project
« Last post by Debalance on September 21, 2024, 02:23:13 PM »
Hi! Unfortunately no. There is no API for SuperBoundary at the moment.
SuperBoundary • General Discussion / C# Project
« Last post by n1k on June 12, 2024, 09:00:51 AM »
Hi, is there a API to use in my C# Project? I want to basically use a better version of gpoly and need precise boundaries
Hi, China Boy! What exactly do you want to know about the app's algorithm? The program is implemented on our own TotalDivider engine.
Выпустил новую версию приложения TotalPurge v5.1.0.94 с поддержкой AutoCAD 2024. Загружаем с официальной страницы.
Добрый день. Подскажите покупка возможна? Давно сообщений админа не было - страшно покупать

Здравствуйте. Не бойтесь. Проект живёт, даже в столь непростые времена. Готов обсудить любые варианты оплаты.
И снова здравствуйте!
Когда нам ожидать TotalPurge для AutoCAD 2024?
Выпустил новую версию приложения TotalPurge v5.1.0.94 с поддержкой AutoCAD 2024. Загружаем с официальной страницы.
Приношу всем глубочайшие извинения за столь поздний релиз  :-[.
AreaTester • General Discussion / Re: Where to find .lic file?
« Last post by Debalance on January 10, 2024, 11:22:26 PM »
Hello Javier.
Thank you for purchasing the application. If you have any questions please contact me directly via the contact form.
SuperBoundary • General Discussion / Re: AutoCAD LT support
« Last post by Debalance on January 10, 2024, 11:16:55 PM »
I wonder why they don't respond. Even the contact form has captcha code which is completely unreadable. It's just like they don't want to really communicate and support.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I'm already working on fixing this issue. In any case, you can contact us through the contact form located on the website.
SuperBoundary • General Discussion / Re: AutoCAD LT support
« Last post by Debalance on January 10, 2024, 11:07:37 PM »
Hello Debalance team,

Could you please make your tools to support AutoCAD LT as well? I only have the option to use AutoCAD LT due to budget limits. I have AutoCAD LT 2021 installed but when I tried to install Super Boundary, it said no AutoCAD version is found. Thank you!

Hello. Unfortunately, AutoCAD LT does not support working with plugins written in C++ (so-called ObjectARX applications). To use SuperBoundary or TotalBoundary, you need a full version of AutoCAD.
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